
Big Problems Come In Small Packages: Monitoring Political Contributions in 2024

Join StarCompliance and Charles Ricciardelli, Political Law Partner at Skadden, for advice and guidance on strengthening your political contribution program to support the 2024 elections, from the federal to the local.

It’s only natural during a presidential election year to keep your compliance eye on the political parties taking over every major news outlet. But did you know that on top of the presidential election:

  • 44 states will elect 85 state legislative chambers
  • 294 appellate court seats are up for election
  • 85 municipalities will hold mayoral and city council elections  

And that’s not all! For financial services and corporations, every contribution should matter. Those “little guys”—mayors and city council members—may seem inconsequential, but when a contribution slips through that’s over the donation threshold, a multi-year regional business ban becomes a big problem.   

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Expert Speakers

Charlie Ricciardelli     
Charlie Ricciardelli     

Partner, Political Law

Steve Brown
Steve Brown

Head of Business Development

As Head of Business Development, Steve Brown is responsible for helping drive growth at Star, with a focus on go-to-market planning, data and vendor…

Andy Atkinson
Andy Atkinson

Director, Product Management

Andy Atkinson joined StarCompliance in 2022 and is the Head of Product Management for Star’s Accountability & Competency solutions.