Make compliance simple and easy.

Why Companies Need Compliance Software

These are unprecedented times. With annual market abuse fines in the billions and greater scrutiny from regulators, your business’s reputational risk and personal liability are at an all-time high. Star’s future-ready employee compliance platform delivers:

Extensive workflows are highly configurable, powered by conditional logic.

Tailor time zone, currency, language, and more for global employees.

Drive employee adoption with ease and simplify employee access via standard authentication and/or single sign-on.

Quickly and easily get real-time analytics through customizable dashboards and reports.

Safeguard sensitive data with multi-layered access rights based on division, department, role, location, and more.

Gain a 360-degree view of your employee compliance anywhere with scalable, cloud-ready software and integrations with Snowflake, Thoughtspot, and PowerBI.

Our Approach

Work with the brightest stars in compliance technology.

When you partner with StarCompliance, you leverage configurable, user-friendly software solutions designed to simplify everyday compliance processes while ensuring you meet the strictest regulatory standards. Built on decades of cross-border collaboration, our expertise and technology help to optimize your compliance program, offering you the highest standards of vigilance and security.

The Beginning

StarCompliance brings a scalable, easy-to-configure, SaaS platform to simplify employee compliance.

  • Personal Trading
Employee Conflicts of Interest

Expanded Employee Compliance Suite:

  • Gifts & Entertainment
  • Outside Business Activity
  • Insider Trading
  • Private Investments
  • Political Contributions
  • Insider List Management
New Products

Adds products to address growing demand and market needs:

  • Compliance Control Room
  • STAR Mobile App
Further Development

Star launches:

  • Compliance Dashboards
  • Tool Tips & Walkthroughs
Continuous Innovation

Star acquires: SixLambda (6L) Political Contribution Surveillance, Individual Accountability Regime, and Training & Competency

Star launches:

  • Crypto Pre-Clearance
  • Licensing & Registration

Meet Our Leaders

Jennifer Sun
Jennifer Sun

Chief Executive Officer

Lang Leonard
Lang Leonard

Chief Financial Officer

Craig Jones
Craig Jones

Chief Revenue Officer

David Rowland
David Rowland

Chief Technology Officer

Michael DiComes
Michael DiComes

Chief Services Officer

Steve Brown
Steve Brown

Head of Business Development

Terry Dawson
Terry Dawson

Head of Product

Lauren St. Amand
Lauren St. Amand

Head of Marketing

David Strauss
David Strauss

Head of Legal