incident & policy management

Star’s Employee Compliance Training Solution


A Training Resource For Right Now

Requirements for comprehensive employee ethics and compliance training are becoming more pronounced—and so are the penalties for noncompliance. As regional regulatory bodies continue to develop their own requirements, generic employee compliance training is no longer enough.

Star’s Employee Training solution supplements your proprietary content with a vast portfolio of learning content for ethics and compliance offered by leading training publishers.

Why compliance training is critical to your success:

  • Requirements and penalties are increasing for employee training on key ethics and compliance areas
  • Regional and state requirements are unique—generic training no longer works
  • Remote employees? Training helps everyone stay grounded, aligned, and compliant

Incident & Policy Management Solutions

Provide employees with multiple methods for reporting concerns while streamlining incident collection, management, and resolution.

Create, maintain, and manage your policies in one central, easily accessible place.

Support widespread policy adoption and adherence with a robust portfolio of ethics and compliance learning content.

Encourage and collect candid feedback from departing employees to drive continuous improvement.

Support 65+ languages for ease of reporting, no matter where employees reside.

Our high-quality content enables your teams to exceed mandated training requirements in areas of specific concern—without straining your budget. That’s the Star commitment to quality.

Get “plug-and-play” flexibility with our compatible SCORM-compliant content from a variety of major publishers, giving you broader choices in both subject matter and format to pull into your LMS of choice.

Choose from unique course formats such as customizable green screens, virtual reality, interactive training, hard copy materials for in-person training, and more.

It’s ok if your preferred content comes from multiple publishers. Star’s online Employee Compliance Training Library offers a robust portfolio of learning content, all in one place.

A large library of training can be overwhelming. During onboarding, we’ll go through exactly what you need—and what you don’t—to ensure you’re set up for success from the start.

“We had resisted implementing a policy management system for years because our policies were not well organized, and frankly, scattered would be an understatement! Star’s Policy Management Solution and their implementation team made getting them organized and into the system a snap! We were able to do annual policy attestations less than 90 days after signing the contract!”
Davis B. Chief People Officer
“Working with the Star curation team and explaining my needs as well as the types of training our team would enjoy was fantastic. They listened to my needs AND my wants and were able to make unbiased recommendations.”
Alyssa M. HR Training Manager
“By working with their curation team, Star was able to show us some very unique training that was very gamified—exactly what we were looking for! Our employees loved being an avatar in the scenarios and seeing things from differing points of view. Very cool!”
Janet K. VP of Human Resources

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