Director of R&D Operations

Vicki Parkinson

As Director of R&D Operations at StarCompliance, Vicki is an ambassador for people at Star, and responsible for vendor relationships, budgeting, training and communication within the R&D organisation and also leads on R&D recruitment and onboarding. Vicki has more than 20 years experience working in IT and software development across different sectors including central and local government, education, telecoms and finance, and spent many years at Civica as Software Development Manager. After 5 years contracting as a Programme Manager, Vicki joined StarCompliance in 2020. Vicki holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Mathematics from the University of Leeds, UK, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Computing from the Open University. Vicki facilitates the Star Women in Tech group and is passionate about encouraging women into STEM careers.

Group of computer programmers talking while working at IT office.