Cultural Change Partner & Co-Founder

Jo Geraghty

Jo Geraghty is the co-founder of Culture Consultancy and former head of HR for Goldman Sachs France and Switzerland. With 16 years’ worth of experience in change management for various investment banks across the globe, Jo brings a wealth of practitioner experience to culture projects of all shapes and sizes. Jo specializes in working with CEOs and leadership teams of fast growth SMEs through to large, complex, and regulated environments, helping to deliver sustainable performance improvements through outstanding people practices and digital enablement. She is passionate about the importance of people engagement as a driver of customer excellence. Jo is also a speaker on high-performance leadership, culture, and employee experience, including productivity, innovation, inclusion, and wellbeing. She was recognized in the 2017 Smith & Williamson Power 100 Index for her work to boost productivity through positive company culture. Together with Cris Beswick and Derek Bishop, Jo is co-author of ‘Building a Culture of Innovation,’ which ranked in the top five management books on innovation in the 2017 CMI Management Book of the Year Awards and is an Amazon bestseller.

Group of computer programmers talking while working at IT office.