
Compliance Software: Build vs Buy Checklist

Use our FREE checklist to guide you through your options and the key challenges of building, buying, or both!

Should You Build, Buy, or BOTH? 

Whether you build in-house,buy from a third-party vendor or combine elements of both in a hybrid approach, bringing a compliance system online is a big task. Use our FREE checklist as you go through the decision-making process to manage a vast array of moving parts and stay on track. Inside you’ll find four concise sections:

  1. Evaluating The Build Option: A comprehensive list of what goes into developing a compliance platform on your own, from expected costs to people-and-resource management.
  2. Evaluating The Buy Option: It’s great to be courted for one’s business, but you need to be savvy when evaluating possible vendors. An in-depth list of things to think about and watch out for.
  3. The Pros and Cons of Each: Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. An exhaustive list of anything and everything you can expect out of building or buying.
  4. Going Hybrid: Ensure nothing brings your project and scope to a grinding halt. 

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