The Guiding Star


Dear Client,

Earlier this month, we were thrilled to announce our acquisition of ETHIX360 and introduce our NEW Incident & Policy Management solution.  This new solution delivers case management, policy management, compliance training, and call center hotline capabilities to provide a safe space for your employees to raise concerns, and a secure system to investigate and resolve those concerns, with advanced analytics to assess risk and monitor performance.    

As a valued client, we look forward to sharing more details about our vision and re-imagining the possibilities of how these solutions will work together to provide companies like yours with a holistic view of all employee compliance activity in one comprehensive platform.    

To learn more about the acquisition please visit our online FAQ and don’t hesitate to reach out to your Relationship Manager with any additional questions you may have.  

JENN SUNCEO of StarCompliance  


Market Research:  Compliance Data Utilization & Analysis 

Do you wonder how your data practices compare to other organizations? Are you looking for guidance on how to analyze and utilize data across your company more efficiently and effectively so you can be a data-driven compliance officer?

StarCompliance is conducting a market study on how compliance teams use and stitch data together to assess and mitigate firm risk. The benchmarking report will be published in July and all participants will receive early access to the results.

To participate, click the link below and complete the 5-question survey. All respondent data will be anonymized as part of this study.

Thanks in advance for your participation! 



Turbo Charging Your Change Orders

Your relationship with Professional Services does end at the close of a new implementation. Over time your internal processes will change, and your StarCompliance solution will need to evolve accordingly. As an ongoing support partner, we are here to help. Read more here to learn how we track system configuration and workflow changes.

Here at StarCompliance, we track system configuration and workflow changes via a Change Order. This document ultimately memorializes the agreed scope of work. Oftentimes, it can take a long time to complete this document. This can be reduced by considering, and documenting, the following before submitting a Change Request: 

  1. Business need – What is the business trying to achieve?  Bring to us your business needs, and allow us to devise the solution that our products can offer Remember we are configuring a system not developing software  
  2. Rationale for the work – Why is this being requested? 
  3. Benefit of making the change(s) – What are the perceived benefits to this change? 
  4. Cost of inaction – Are there any implications for not making the change? 
  5. Business Risks – What, if any, are the business risks associated with making the change? 
  6. Internal Resource availability – Key to the success of any engagement and availability of resources. 
    Establish a focused group, responsible for the delivery  Identify who will be able to sign off on the changes (both the Change Order and the delivered work) 
  1. Dependencies / Constraints – Are there any internal dependencies or constraints? Think about who else from your team will need to be involved (for example IT / Technology / external vendors)  
  2. Realistic Timescales – What is the realistic timeframe that this work should be completed? Early engagement mitigates risk Particularly with a short Timebox – we all need to invest the time necessary to keep the delivery rolling  
  3. Is there a driver for this timeline? – Are there any events or dependencies that determine the requested timeline? Eg Regulatory deadline, audit requirement, policy change? 

Not only will this information allow us to assess your request quickly, but it also serves as comprehensive documentation to tell the narrative for decisions made, and how we as a partnership responded to the changing needs of your business. 


Keeping you Up-To-Date

We are always striving to ensure our clients are upgraded to our latest product releases to ensure the benefits of our latest features, enhancements and bug fixes are available. We have had an extremely productive quarter so far, resulting in over 100 client production environments being upgraded to our latest releases this year!  

 We are also well underway with our efforts of migrating clients across to our new Microsoft Azure hosting platform with many clients making the transition each month. We are coordinating with each client directly ahead of any upgrade or migration but if you would like to be included sooner then please reach out to client services or your relationship manager for more information.


Partner Spotlight  

Over the past year, StarCompliance has been hard at work developing a world-class partner ecosystem and exciting relationships are just now being publicly launched in the following areas: 

Compliance and risk experts with a unique combination of in-depth product, services and implementation expertise, along with a wealth of resources to provide value-added services to our clients. 

Supporting and complimentary technologies that extend and enhance the value of Star’s future-ready employee compliance platform. 

Providers of embedded/integrated data and functionality you need to meet the ever-evolving demands of our complex compliance world. 

With our growing list of approved partners, we’re harnessing a variety of strengths and abilities to scale our innovation and address your complex and ever-evolving compliance challenges. Whether it’s access to new engineering power, advisory, services, experience, business case acumen, upskilling, or just further connections in the industry, our partners can help us unlock significant new sources of value for you, and increase the return on your Star investment. 

Expect more exciting Star partner news and capabilities in the coming weeks and months on our Partner Page, on social media, and in future editions of this newsletter. 

How We think

Insights, Info, and Ideas

All Securities Are Equal – But Some Are More Equal Than Others

As mainstream adoption of digital assets increases globally, regulatory scrutiny is on the rise.

3 Big Questions, 3 Big Answers: Solving For The Remote Workforce

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The Challenges of an Election Year: Monitoring Political Contributions in 2024

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Introducing our NEW